• Question: Why does having one kidney not working stop the other from working well? (I have this!)

    Asked by abbie520 to Keith, Heather on 27 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Heather Eyre

      Heather Eyre answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      Becuase it isn’t working properly the bad kidney may be releasing hormones inappropriately. So too much, not enough or at the wrong times.

      Also as the kidney is still there it is likely to be still getting blood flow and attempting for filter the blood – but either waste is going back in to you blood or it’s letting too much stuff into your urine that isn’t meant to be there (such as sugar and protein).

      When the function of your bad kidney drops lower they may remove it.

    • Photo: Keith Siew

      Keith Siew answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      Removing a “faulty” kidney is often the necessary treatment for saving the healthy kidney for many of the reasons Heather outlined already…

      You can live perfectly fine with a single kidney provided it didn’t suffer too much damage or strain prior to this. In cases of people who donate a kidney later in life there can be some some complications with high blood pressure or protein leakage into the urine but close monitoring and management of symptoms as they arise can alleviate this.

      If you’re ever concerned always speak with your doctor!
