• Question: What is collagen and how does it affect the function of the Kidneys?

    Asked by georgebamford24 to Heather on 27 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Heather Eyre

      Heather Eyre answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      Collagen is a structural protein – it’s like scaffolding for cells. It keeps everything all organised, and the cells need to be attached to the scaffold to stay alive so it’s really important.

      In kidney disease there tends to be too much collagen. This causes lots of problems. Te collagen can squash up and block the little tubes that form parts if the kidneys filtering units (nephrons).

      In the glomerulus (that’s where the blood is filtered) too much collagen breaks apart the filters. This is really bad as it makes them leak and let through things, like protein, that should stay in the blood.

      It also makes the kidney harder than it should be an this increases the pressure inside the kidney and is kind of like putting your thumb over a turned on tap!
