• Question: through the injection of sex hormones, is it possible for humans to change sex completely without the need of other surgeries? like clown fish and some invertibrae do

    Asked by louis0elverston to Derek, Elaine, Heather, Keith on 21 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Keith Siew

      Keith Siew answered on 21 Jun 2013:

      No hormones alone won’t do the job. Gender reassignment surgery is still required for a complete and successful transgendered person’s transition! The hormone therapies will cause the expression of masculine or feminine features but the sex organs have already formed by that stage and can’t be reversed and regrown… similarly the bone growth plates have fused and changes in build or stature will also not occur. So plastic surgery will also be required to change physical features… like the jawline, breast implantations, etc…

    • Photo: Heather Eyre

      Heather Eyre answered on 23 Jun 2013:

      No it isn’t,

      Once the genitalia have formed (which occurs in the womb) changing sex completely would require surgical intervention – and even then the results are more about the appearance rather than forming fully functional organs.

      If surgeons created a vagina from penile tissue there wouldn’t be a womb or ovaries on the inside so the person wouldn’t be able to have a baby.
