• Question: Hi there! I was just wondering if there were any after effects or lasting problems with the mice after the direct carotid manometry procedure?

    Asked by galmpton to Keith on 21 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Keith Siew

      Keith Siew answered on 21 Jun 2013:

      Hi Galmpton,

      The direct carotid manometry method is what we call a “terminal procedure” which means that the animals are euthanised (humanely killed) once the experiment is complete.

      As the procedure is invasive the entire thing from beginning to end is done under anaesthesia so the mouse is unconscious. The anaesthesia is deep enough so they feel absolutely no pain… and they are then euthanised before regaining consciousness.

      We then collect blood, tissue and organ samples for experimentation so we get as much value from the life as is possible!
