• Question: have you always been good at science or did you start trying because you wanted your type of job?

    Asked by vickyjones1998 to Derek, Elaine, Heather, Keith, Bimpe on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Heather Eyre

      Heather Eyre answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      It’s not really about being good at science – more about learning and developing ways of thinking and problem solving.

      I can’t remember not wanting to do science – I enjoyed it. But revision for exams is more memory based and is different to thinking things through in a way that allows you to working things out.

      I love puzzles and my work is like a big puzzle

    • Photo: Keith Siew

      Keith Siew answered on 28 Jun 2013:

      I think everyone can be good at science… if you’re curious about things… like to ask questions and like to try things for yourself… then I think you can be a scientists…

      I’m curious about everything… and as a kid always asked “why”!

      You also need to not be easily discouraged… enjoy challenges and figuring things out for yourself…

      But it’s just been what I always wanted to be…
